Druids: Can any Druids hit me up??

I go off of Norse Paganism and Chamorro Ancestor Worship/animism, however, I have books for just about every single path so I can give it to others and help guide them on their growth. Also, I like seeing all the similarities and connections that each aspects of the different paths with other paths.

I have recently purchased books on Druidry. I have a friend of mine who walks the Druid/Celtic Paganism in my unit who needed a little more guidance. I have been reading and recommending books to said person. I only know small fractions about Druidry, when I find I have limited knowledge on something. I read about it.

The current book on Druidry that I am currently reading is:

“The Druid Magic Handbook” By John Michael Greer. So far it is a very excellent read. One of my main favorite parts of the book I am enjoying he makes connections with other cultures on the concept of the spirit. He especially makes connections with Eastern Traditions(Shinto, Taoism, etc). It made me feel good that I am not the only person who the connection between Eastern Pagan religions with Druidry.

Something I find fascinating about Druidry, they have a little more science;yes, every path has it, but I find it more predominate in the Druid practice.

I am wondering if there are any Druids on here I can speak to because I would like to have conversation with a Druid to see your beliefs and philosophies.
